Common Types and Symptoms of Melanoma
Melanoma is a type of cancer that develops in melanocytes. It usually begins on the skin, but it can originate from other organs such as the eyes, lymph nodes, and brain. In the United States, about 50,000 cases of melanoma are seen every year. Since it appears on the skin, early detection can save lives if one is aware of the condition’s symptoms. Types of melanoma and its signs Symptoms Melanoma is a serious condition that can be fatal if not detected and treated on time. To prevent this look for spots on the skin, a bruise, sore, cyst, or scar that may itch, hurt, fail to heal, bleed or look crusty. The spot may appear shiny, waxy, smooth, or pale. This ABCD method is useful in detecting any unusual skin growth that may be a sign of melanoma. 1. Asymmetry: Moles or spots on the skin are usually symmetrical, but the ones that are not may be cancerous. 2. Border: The border or edges of cancerous growth may be ragged, notched, or blurred. 3. Color: Cancerous spots or moles are of uneven shades and colors like black, brown, tan, white, or blue. 4. Diameter: Abnormal spots may be tiny at first may increase in diameter.