Common Symptoms and Types of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer occurs due to the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast area. There are various types of breast cancer, and each type generally depends on where the cancer has started. Most types of breast cancer have similar symptoms. Listed below are a few symptoms and types of breast cancer:
1. Symptoms
In the early stages, breast cancer rarely has any symptoms. Some common breast cancer symptoms include the following:
- Lump formation
Over time, a small lump or tumor may be felt in the breast area. This is usually the first sign. It is also one of the most common symptoms of breast cancer. Sometimes, a benign cyst can also cause a lump. If the cancer has spread, lumps or swollen tissues may also be observed under the arms, in the underarms, or the chest. - Breast pain
This is another common symptom across many types of breast cancer. Pain can be felt in either one or both breasts. However, breast pain can also be caused by several other factors, such as stress, ill-fitted bra, birth control pills, etc. Hence, a medical diagnosis is important. - Nipple discharge
In some cases, there might be discharge from the nipples. This can be either be clear, bloody, or filled with pus. - Flaking skin around the nipples
Due to the uncontrolled growth of cells, the exterior skin of the breast may begin to flak or peel. In some cases, the skin may become scaly as well. - Change in breast shape or size
As the cancer advances, it may lead to a change in the shape or size of one or both the breasts. The appearance of the nipples may change too. - Inverted nipple
In some cases, breast cancer may cause the nipple to turn inwards, and it may begin to appear inverted.
2. Types
Mentioned below are some of the many common types of breast cancer:
- Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Also known as DCIS, this type of breast cancer originates in the milk ducts. It is a form of non-invasive cancer, since the cell growth rarely spreads to the surrounding tissues. - Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
This is another form of non-invasive cancer. The uncontrolled cell growth begins in the lobules or the milk-producing glands, which are present at the end of the breast ducts. - Invasive ductal carcinoma
Invasive ductal carcinoma is one of the most common types of breast cancer. This breast cancer begins in the milk ducts. As it advances, it begins to spread to the surrounding breast tissues. - Invasive lobular carcinoma
Invasive lobular carcinoma is another common form of breast cancer. It begins in the lobules of the breasts. As the advance stages approach, this cancer starts to spread to the surrounding tissues by breaking through the lining of the lobules. - Paget’s disease of the nipple
This type of breast cancer is quite rare. It begins in the nipple area. One of the tell-tale signs of this condition is scaly and itchy skin around the nipples.