5 Common yet Serious Credit Card Mistakes
Using credit cards is an excellent way to up your credit score. But, what many do not realize is that misusing a credit card can do more harm than good. This article lists five worst and serious credit card mistakes that everyone should know about and avoid: 1. Paying your dues late One of the biggest mistakes you can make while having a credit card is paying the dues late. Late payment can affect your credit score in the long run and make it difficult to access loans or mortgages. Not to mention, defaults in payment stay on your records for a long time. If these payments are delayed, the account can be sold off to collections. To avoid missing deadlines, set reminders or try opting for automatic payments. 2. Paying only the minimum amount due Another common yet serious mistake that can affect your credit in the long term is paying only the minimum amount due. While this may be the way to avoid missing out on paying the amount, it is a sure-shot way to build up debt. It also means you will be paying a small sum for a long time. Some credit card companies offer interest-free cards, but most also have interest sums that are charged on the unpaid due amount.