6 Foods That May Cause Breathing Issues and Treatment Options

6 Foods That May Cause Breathing Issues and Treatment Options

Ailments such as COPD, flu, covid, RSV, nasal polyps, allergies, and asthma cause issues with breathing—such as nasal congestion, excess mucus and inflamed airways due to cold/flu, NTM Lung Disease, MAC lung infection, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection. Aside from medications (including Robitussin, Theraflu, Aleve, ARIKAYCE, Afrin, Flonase, Advil, Claritin, Zyrtec, Dupixent, Stiolto and Allegra), vaccines like the mRNA covid vaccine, the flu shot, and therapy, diet also plays an important role in managing the symptoms. When it comes to nasal polyps, corticosteroids are commonly used to help reduce inflammation and shrink the polyps. By decreasing swelling in the nasal passages, they improve airflow and alleviate breathing difficulties. Available as sprays, pills, or injections, corticosteroids can effectively manage symptoms and prevent the recurrence of polyps when used as directed. While certain foods can help in alleviating breathing issues, there are some other foods that can trigger them:

6 foods that trigger breathing issues in individuals

1. Broccoli
Bloating and gas can often trigger breathing issues and this gets especially bad for those with lung issues. Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli can cause bloating. While these veggies are quite healthy and nutritious, it is best to avoid them till you are completely recovered or even after that if possible. However, broccoli is rich in antioxidants and anticarcinogenic compounds. Cutting it from the diet may deprive the body of these nutrients, making it vital to have it on rare occasions.

2. Bread
Bread made from refined flour needs can trigger breathing issues in those with lung disorders and respiratory problems. This type of bread also contains sugar, which also leads to poor lung health. This is because it requires the lungs to work extra hard during metabolism. Moreover, bread can cause inflammation. This obstructs the airways and increases the production of phlegm. Also, some people with gluten intolerance can often have lung issues that lead to breathing problems.

3. Packaged chips
Processed foods, including packaged chips, are the worst food item for the lungs and respiratory tract. These contain a high amount of salt and saturated fats. None of these are good for the health of the lungs. Moreover, eating packaged and processed chips affects cardiovascular health as well, eventually affecting one’s ability to breathe. For those with COPD, the high salt content of chips can trigger breathlessness and excess uneasiness.

4. Ice cream
Dairy can trigger the production of phlegm in the body. Therefore, dairy based products such as ice cream have an adverse effect on the respiratory tract. Moreover, as a cold food item, it can cause inflammation in the respiratory tract tissues. Ice cream is also rich in refined sugar that can often trigger discomfort and breathing difficulties.

5. Beer
Any type of alcoholic drink is bad for the lungs. This includes beer, which must be avoided by those with breathing issues. A carbonated and fizzy drink, it causes gas, bloating, and chest discomfort. This can trigger breathlessness and asthma symptoms as well. In addition, beer causes dehydration, which can lead to further health complications.

6. Cold cuts
Cold cuts such as salami, sausages, bacon, ham, hot dogs, and cured meats are processed foods. Moreover, these contain preservatives such as nitrates, which is added to increase their shelf life. Nitrates also add color to these foods. However, these compounds can trigger breathing issues and other symptoms of COPD and must be avoided.